Blog — The Good Car Company - Affordable electric vehicles for Australians

ABC national news - GoodCar.Co

Written by Anthony Broese van Groenou | Jan 20, 2021 8:02:21 AM

Good Car Co was featured on ABC National News on January 9, 2021 for Australia-first Community EV Bulk-Buy.

More than two million electric cars were sold worldwide last year, but they're still not a common sight on Australian roads. Affordability is a big issue for many consumers wanting to make the switch, but there's now a secondhand solution, which involves buying in bulk.

Our first Electric Vehicle community bulk-buy (perhaps the world's first) with South Hobart Sustainable Community.
The goal is to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles in an equitable way while ensuring that consumer protections are in place to set the standard for future businesses to follow.